Facebook Groups: Pre-Approval Package

  • Post pre-approval in our Facebook Groups with over 4 Million Global Members - All fitness & nutrition enthusiasts.
  • $300/month (Save by paying Quarterly or Annually)
    • Minimum 1-Month Commitment
    • Auto-Renews
    • Cancel Any Time with 48 hours notice
  • Scope below. Additional scope may incur additional cost.
  • Your team will be invited into the Finest in Fitness communities (Facebook Groups) and introduced as a value-driven partner.
  • This enables you & your team to:
    • Connect and engage with our community members with ongoing content 
    • Create brand awareness and be recognized as a leader within the community
    • Create polls & questions to collect data and get feedback
    • Respond directly to conversations. 


Our Facebook Groups have a combined total reach of over 4 Million Global Members - All fitness & nutrition enthusiasts. Facebook Groups provide an incredible opportunity to get targeted visibility to land more clients and sell more of your products or services by getting engaged and sharing CONSISTENT, PERSONAL VALUE. 

The problem is, most Facebook Group Admins work hard to prevent spam, and will remove anything that resembles marketing. 

With our Facebook Groups: Pre-Approval Package - we will pre-approveyou and your team to share content and build awareness to your offer. You're encouraged to get involved in the community in a way that genuinely helps others while feeding your conversion funnel: ask questions, create surveys, run live videos, create events, and share your content to get the exposure you need. 


Got an audience in the running niche? Ask Steve about our Running Communities too. 


  • Terms must be discussed with Steve Farina in advance.
  • Your content must be relevant to the fitness community
  • Your content should be thoughtful and designed to give value
  • You may post a maximum of once per day, with a maximum of two (2) calls-per-action per week.  You must understand the importance of giving value first. 
  • You are prohibited from spamming the feed or comment sections with links and offers.
  • You may NOT seek ways to grow or promote a separate group. 
  • We reserve the the right to terminate access and refund on a pro-rated basis if terms are broken after fair warning.


This is a DIY (Do it Yourself) program: While Steve will get you started, it's up to you to develop an understanding of Facebook Groups & Facebook's algorithm, develop a content strategy, design & create your own content, write your own compelling copy, and execute against your plan. 

... This is an incomparable opportunity to share your message and value with the right people and expose them to your offering and grow yourself. 



If you need additional help with strategy or execution, please ask about my B2C and B2B Fractional Leadership Offer.

If you're interested in tapping into our entire network and are serious about accelerating your platform's digital marketing, sales, and social media efforts, I encourage you to schedule a call with me today -